Cashew Brie….YUM!

As I, Line mentioned in an earlier post, we have been experimenting with making Miyoko Shinner‘s artisan vegan cheeses (from her awesome cookbook

What I have been working on, and finished quite a while ago is the brie. It is really, really good…. If I can do it you can too, it’s not that hard 🙂


Vegan brie

Prep: 9 minutes
Soak: 3 hours
Cook: 7 minutes
Rest: 2 days, 16 hours
Servings: about 16, one 6-inch round

1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water for 3 hours, drained
1 cup water
½ cup plain unsweetened soy yogurt
½ cup refined coconut oil
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast
1 ¼ teaspoons sea salt
2 tablespoons tapioca flour or starch
1 teaspoon agar agar powder or flakes

1. Combine cashews, water, yogurt, coconut oil, nutritional yeast and 1 teaspoon salt in a blender; process until smooth. Transfer mixture into a large bowl, cover with a towel. Let sit at room temperature, 24-36 hours.

2. Pour mixture into a medium saucepan. Whisk in tapioca flour and agar; heat over medium heat, stirring frequently. Cook until mixture is thick and pulls away from the side of the pan, about 5 minutes.

3. Line a 6-inch cake pan with cheesecloth; pour in hot cheese mixture. Spread mixture evenly; cover with cheesecloth. Let cool in refrigerator until firm, 4 hours. The inside will still be very soft.

4. Remove cheesecloth. Wet hands; sprinkle them with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. Rub wet salt over cheese. Place cheese on a wire rack; let sit in a cool corner, 24 hours. Flip cheese over; let rest until it appears dry, 12 hours. Wrap in wax paper; store in refrigerator up to 2 weeks. For longer storage, freeze in a sealed plastic bag.

I have made to rounds, and in the second batch I substituted the water for some rejuvilac (it’s an important ingredient in many of Miyoko’s cheese recipes, you’ll learn alot more about it once you buy the book… Go on! You know you want it)

It takes a few days, but believe me, it’s worth it. It’s so creamy and feels as unhealthy as real brie, except it pretty surely isn’t… A good day to be vegan 🙂

23 responses

  1. Pingback: あなたを本物を忘れさせる14の絶対菜食主義のチーズ | ダイエットはこのメニューで決まり! 最新流行ダイエットフード

  2. Pingback: 14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing | Bringing the best news to the People

  3. Pingback: 14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing | Hype Seek !!

  4. Pingback: 14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing | sooziQ

  5. Pingback: あなたを本物を忘れさせる14の絶対菜食主義のチーズ | 最新ペット事情・ペット通です(๑≧౪≦)

  6. Hi – is the cheesecloth supposed to take away some of the cheese when i remove it? :/ i couldnt even remove it completely, on the downside its to sticky and i would just completely destroy the cheese if i try to remove the cheesecloth there… :/ did i do something wrong?

      • well it had a weird consistency but tasted great on crackers ^^ i’ll try it again. how big should the cups be, by the way? i have tiny greandparents-come-over-for-tea-cups and bigger need-coffee-in-the-morning cups :O

  7. I made one 😀 it was a bit too wet to put on a wire rack and was sinking through the mesh, so had to dry on a plate for a few days before transferring… but it looks great now! Hopefully it will taste as good as it looks 😀

  8. Just curious, your recipe says 1 teaspoon agar powder or flakes, but to my understanding 1 teaspoon of agar powder is the equivalent to 1 tablespoon of flakes, so I was curious if the recipe makes that distinction?

    • Yes I have the same question. Normally 1 tablespoon of flakes is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of powder. Soooo….is it 1 tsp of powder, or one third of a teaspoon? (Maybe I’ll split my batch in half and try both, LOL).

  9. Pingback: Opções para os intolerantes e veganos: queijos, claro, veganos – Crème à la crème Gourmet

  10. Pingback: Sausage, Vegan Brie, Caramelized Onion, and Fig Jam Pizza | No Milk? No Whey!

  11. This recipe was great, thank you for sharing! I found the coconut oil flavor came through and gave it a pretty strong coconut taste, but I served it with jam and crackers and it was delicious!

  12. Pingback: 16 Reasons Every Vegan Should Own A Blender | Sharing Interesting Stuff, Updates News & Free Tips

  13. Pingback: 16 Reasons Every Vegan Should Own A Blender | sooziQ

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  15. Pingback: 14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing |

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